Step-by-step instructions on essay writing without effort

Essay writing seems like it requires hours and hours of effort to perfect and compose to a high standard. The truth is that it is not as hard as it seems, and you too can achieve high grades for your work with minimal effort. Of course this means that there are other aspects of your skills you will need to utilize, but once you do there will be no need to spend countless hours in front of the computer doing draft after draft of your paper.

Step 1: Organizing

Before you begin writing your work, you need to organize your timetable. Make s specific time everyday that you will spend working on your paper. It is far less stress inducing to do your work in increments, as opposed to staying up all night a couple of days before it is due. It also requires less effort to do small amounts everyday. Make goals for when you expect to complete certain sections of your work. For example you may plan to complete your introduction and plan in the first week.

Step 2: Research

The next step is to research the question you have been set by your teacher. Use all the resources available to you, such as literary criticism, research papers, library books and the Internet. All these resources will give you a lot of information and make you more knowledgeable of the area you will be writing about. For the sources that seem applicable and interesting for your essay, save them somewhere for later.

Step 3: Planning

The plan is extremely important, as this will add your structure to your writing. You need to plan what you will be putting in each of the paragraphs in your assignment. From the previous step, make sure to write down which pieces of research are relevant and will be implemented in your writing. The reason why planning is so essential to your work is that it will allow your writing to flow properly in your assignment. It also allows you to plot your ideas down on paper, in case it escapes your mind when it comes time to write.

Step 4: Structuring Your Writing

Once you have planned and compiled your research it is time to get writing. However, you need structure your work so that it is easy to read and is not confusing for the reader. The structure is as important as the content of your work.

  • Introduction: The introduction should give a brief overview of what you will be talking about in your paper. It should be concise and to the point. The reader should know exactly what to expect within the first couple of sentences. Many students usually complete the introduction last, as they know how the rest of their writing will be panning out.
  • Main Body: The main body of your work is where all the main information goes. All your research, analysis and opinions are going to be in this section of your assignment. Make sure to really emphasis the points you are making, and to ensure that you are answering the question that has been set and do not go off topic.
  • Conclusion: This is a brief summary of your work. Make sure to repeat your main argument as this will be the last thing people will read.

As you can see there are not many steps in composing a great essay with minimal effort. A lot depends on making use of your organizational skills and being efficient with your time.